What We Offer

The Unwrapped Leader Academy
This program will help you define your purpose. It will give you the ability to “Go for Greatness” and say ‘YES’ to your potential.
You will become more self-disciplined, proactive, more persistent and focused.
Most importantly you will learn to turn your passion into enthusiasm by unwrapping the gifts inside of you.
Other Programs Included:

The Unwrapped Leader
The Unwrapped Leader Guide

1:1 Coaching
Work With Us

Group Coaching
Group Strategy Calls
Group Collaboration

Online Community
Facebook Group
Weekly Trainings

Unwrap Your Brand
Instagram Audits
“Love it. It has come together well and brings them on a journey. “The Unwrapped Leader” will bring you on a journey from that first “yes” to uncovering the leader hidden deep within us all just waiting to be discovered. I have often used the analogy that our beautiful profession is a gift just waiting to be unwrapped, and many of us only peak inside without unwrapping the whole gift. This book gives you the insights, tools, and skills to unwrap the gift and then unwrap yourself to create the success and life you want, plus, even more importantly, to enjoy the journey as you uncover the person you become along the way. Dracy and Teisha have done a powerful job in presenting this information in an easy to read book, and I encourage anyone wanting to be successful in their Direct Selling career to take the time, to not only read, but implement the many nuggets contained within.”